| | NOVEMBER 20216Policies & Tax Regulations- The Current Farming & Agriculture Scenario in IndiaHow to Choose the Best Drill Type for the Next Job: Deciding between Solid Drills or Replaceable Insert DrillsWhere Does the Role of Pure Compressed Air Play in the Modern Manufacturing ProcessesHow Can Commercial Fleets Reap the Benefits of Electric Vehicles?Importance Of Management Consulting For ManufacturersWays to Accelerate Clean Energy Growth in IndiaImperative to Push the Logistics Engine ForwardHigh-powered Semiconductor Modules is the need of the hourDr. Malini Saba, Founder & Chairman, Saba Industries & Saba Family FoundationsRob Brown, Engineering Trainer, Allied Machine & Engineering CorpK S Sudhakaran, Chairman & Managing Director, SANPAR Industries IndiaPrashant Radhakrishnan, Vice President & Head of India Business (Sales & Marketing), SemaConnectAshvin Patil, Director, Biofuels Junction Rupesh Kohli, Regional Director North & East & Director Airfreight, Geodis IndiaHitesh Bhardwaj, General Manager, Semiconductors & Devices1626300814233234VANTAGE POINT THOUGHT CENTRALVIVID OUTLOOKINDUSTRY PANORAMACONTENTSCONTRIBUTORS
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