| | November 20218It is `on record' that India has one of the highest road death tolls in the world. A recent World Bank Report stated that India accounts for 11 percent of global road crash victims while having only one percent of the world's vehicles. The total estimated road deaths in our country in 2019 were at 1.51 lakhs (this is higher than the Covid-19 deaths we have seen in 2020). As per the Minis-try of Road Transport & Highways' data, there has been a steady increase in the yearly road deaths in our country -- from 2013 (1.37 lakhs) to 2018 (1.51 lakhs). With such alarming numbers, we surely need to find innovative ways to make Indian roads safer. Firstly, we need to find the major causes for the road deaths or mishaps, and then tackle them through public awareness campaigns and enforcement of road traffic laws (that are being violated). Research suggests that among the greatest causes of road accidents in India are due to speeding, drowsy driving, drunk driving and not wearing protective gear while riding two-wheelers.ROAD SAFETY: THE PROGRESS MADE SO FAR While in India the wearing of helmets is compulsory for two-wheeler riders under Section 129 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, but unfortunately this is not well-enforced by the Traffic Police, and most citizens also do not feel the need to wear such safety equipment. Hence, broader and larger-scale awareness on the fatality and repercussions is needed in the near future to make people aware of the dangers, and a zero-tolerance attitude needs to be taken by the Traffic Police personnel. The Government has taken an initiative in the right direction by increasing fines related to traffic violations under the amended Motor Vehicle Act in 2019. But imposing higher fines alone cannot solve this problem; instead, more WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO ENHANCE ROAD SAFETY IN INDIABy Vanesh Naidoo, Founder & CEO, Safe CamsVANTAGE POINT
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