5SEPTEMBER 2024Shaping the Future with Precision Discover the amazing results of DF Digitalize AI's automated data digitalization servicesOur machine learning models deliver 98%+ accuracy. Our SME data analysts will make it 100% accurate and curate it for your business needs Accurate Digitized over 10 million documents in various industries, including Pharma, Legal, and Financial, giving us the expertise to handle any data digitization projectExpertise Our services reduce digitization timeline by up to 70%, so you can get more done in less time FastThe digitization pipeline will be deployed in a secure cloud instance in an auto scalable modeScalable Our expert team is here to support you every step of the way, from setup to maintenance. We also offer secure and scalable storage options for your dataSupportedUnlock valuable insights and opportunities from your data assetsContact us for a free consultation.Secure. Efficient. Intelligent.sales@datafoundry.aiwww.datafoundry.ai404 errorFile not foundSyntax errorTable not foundAs per industry reports, 60% of the data in companies is unstructured, and not accessible for analysis or insights. 60%Users having to access different systems to gather information to perform a business taskUnlock `Value' from your data assets through Digitalization.Unstructured data in systems across the organization Multiple file formatsHaving to request IT team for reports and wait for weeks to get themSounds familiar? Digital transformation through data digitalization is the answer. Data digitization, when performed manually, could take months or years and cost a lot. Automation using AI/ML models is the key. DF Digitalize AI - the leading provider of data digitalization services.Automate data digitization with best-in-class AI/ML Services. Digitalize your data to accelerate your digital transformation. Data ingested from multiple sources and transformed into a structured, curated and searchable repository - to drive innovation through insights and process automation.
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