| |OCTOBER 20229ENHANCINGINDUSTRIAL PRODUCTIVITY WITH CLUSTERINGon the units within the cluster. What kind of mechanism is required for gathering reliable data to improve the operations of the cluster?Data is now the key to ensuring continual maintenance, improvement and upgradation of the industrial clusters. Starting with the basic use cases, the data collected from the water and air quality check sensors, help the management understand the persistent scenario and thereby take action to maintain the optimum quality of the water and air in the concerned area. Data also plays a significant role in ensuring the security of the industrial cluster. With the individual IP of each company, the movement in and out of the cluster can be easily traced. In the integrated cities and industrial clusters developed by Mahindra Lifespaces, we have further integrated a robust CRM network among the occupants to ensure a constant flow of information and communication regarding maintenance and upgradation of the assets. In our network, every occupant is constantly in touch with us and can convey the issues and challenges faced while operating in the ecosystem. This process has gradually become an information-gathering exercise for us; thereby helping to constantly improve our services and deliveries to the park occupants. MAHINDRA WORLD CITY CONSISTS OF CO-LOCATED ZONES INCLUDING SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE, DOMESTIC TARIFF AREA AND RESIDENTIAL & SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE. ONE BIG PROBLEM WITH CLUSTERING STRATEGIES IS THE TOP-DOWN PLANNING NECESSARY TO MAKE THEM WORK. WHAT SOLUTION DO YOU PROPOSE FOR THIS? Developing the planning exercise for an integrated city/industrial cluster is a complex and challenging task. When dealing with an integrated city spread over 1500 to 3000 acres, the challenge starts right from land aggregation, wherein manifesting the required land aggregation takes several years to complete. Before starting the project, it is also important to perform a demand assessment, to gain a deep understanding of the nature of the industry, future demand patterns, and business footprint. At ORIGINS by Mahindra in Ahmedabad, we collaborated with Surbana Jurong, a global leader in master plan development based
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