| | SEPTEMBER 20228INDUSTRY INSIGHTSSUSTAINABILITY IN DAIRY FARMING I ndia's population is increasing giving rise to a burgeoning middle class. An increase in per capita income is linked to increases in the consumption of protein. Since milk and milk products are the most important source of protein in India, we can assume that dairy consumption will increase significantly. India would go from being a net exporter of milk to an importer given that domestic demand may exceed supply. The demand for milk is likely to be 270 million tons amount of milk by 2030. In order to close the supply gap and increase production, there will be an increased pressure on limited resources such as land which can be either used to grow cereals, vegetables for human consumption vs growing fodder for dairy animals. Land under fodder cultivation has not grown, though there has been considerable growth in the animal population in the last few decades. By Dr. Pravin Kini, Founder & Managing Director, Tropical Animal Genetics (TAG)
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