| | DECEMBER 20218CHALLENGES DURING THIS FESTIVE SEASONCHALLENGES DURING THIS FESTIVE SEASONHOW TO MANAGE WAREHOUSEHOW TO MANAGE WAREHOUSEBy Nakul Singh, Co-Founder, ANS CommerceI ndia's most-awaited and grandest festive season is just around the corner. Although the pandemic has led to large scale disruptions in supply chains with restrictions on movement, the economy is gradually reopening, and festive spirits hav-en't been dampened. For e-Commerce businesses, the festive season is an extremely busy and crucial time. The highly lucrative sector, having main-tained business continuity despite hitting a few snags, has witnessed a quick rebound, resuming full-fledged operations. With the pandemic-relat-ed tailwinds spurring on the industry, Indian e-Commerce players have been presented with a golden opportunity. Indian e-Commerce is set to achieve a 40 percent growth in 2020, as compared to 23 percent in 2019. However, the impact of the pan-demic is still being felt profoundly by businesses across verticals. For e-Commerce brands, warehousing and the seasonal inventory may pose challenges. To understand and tack-le warehousing challenges that arise during the festive season efficiently, let us delve deeper. Efficient inventory managementWith the festive season comes season-al inventory and a heightened demand for it. The e-Commerce brands need to ensure that inventory is liquidat-ed to cater to the growing demand. In addition to this, smart inventory management is necessary to increase efficiency.In case of excess inventory, it is best to store it in 2-3 warehouses. VANTAGE POINT
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