| | APRIL 20228VANTAGE POINTP ast is never a history ­ at least in Business. Trends and projections are normal. Present day reliance on data analytics too reflects the same ­ from buying behaviours to purchasing powers to predicting future, across economies and sections of economies. Thanks to comput-ing power, segmented micro-analysis is to-day possible and expected to assume larg-er significance in the realm of Business.Reverse protectionism seen today is to be assumed natural. Considering Global trade as a closed loop, in the Cycle of Trade developing is akin to developed at some point of time. This brings economies at equal footing, eliminating need for WTO interventions, exis-tence of which is supernatural today.AGRICULTURE TO IOT ERAContribution of agriculture still is significant to GDP. Thanks to Industrial revolutions, mechanisation has helped reduce dependency of population on Agriculture ­ First Shift. Econ-omy moved from Agro to Industrial, while capacity was the king, and out put largely dependent on Labour. As industri-alisation grew and the World going through few recessions, brought in perspective the need for Quality. In came the Con-sumer Era.Consumer needs and wants for quality products and ser-vices dictated outputs. Need for controls on human interven-tions to eliminate process errors was realised. This brought in scientific management and process control based on statis-tical approach, relevant forever. Capability studies continue to determine quality levels expected and people can think of defect levels in PPTs (Parts per Trillion). DPMOs (Defects per Million opportunities) is widely used, especially is safety crit-ical industries. QMS & CPAAs quality superseded quantity, manage-ment systems became important over production. Globalised trade necessitated uniform quality standards ­ ISOs came into existence. Automotive industry felt insufficiency in ISO and brought in QS standards. As technology evolved and consumer protection laws became strin-gent, both ISO & QS have evolved and have assumed their new avatars ISO 2015 and IATF. Similar to automotive, there are many industry specific standards like FDA, API, AS9100, and more.CPA (Consumer Protection Acts) have played vital roles in shaping such standards to eliminate hu-man hazards to the possible extent. Failures do happen; how-ever, traceability has ensured containment and protection. Business World transformed from being reactive to proactive and tries to become predictive through FMEAs (Failure Mode Effect Analysis) and Risk analysis. Statistics and Data Analyt-ics help in these endeavours, though success may vary due to extraneous factors.INFORMATION ERA IT revolution made consumers spoiled for choices, alongside economic and industrial growth. Information available at fin-gertips made Consumers better educated and knowledgeable about products/services making them choosier. Quality be-came non-negotiable and given. Consumers started yearning for more than quality and availability of information made it easier for to analyse and assess options.LPG ­ Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation ac-celerated onset of Information Era. It opened Global Markets for Indian IT Professionals and Organisations. This brought in new breed of consumerism and spending culture as TRACKING SHIFTS ­ TRENDS THAT MATTER Dr. Nithyanandan Devaraaj, CEO ­ Foundries, CRI GroupDr. Nithyanandan Devaraaj, CEO ­ Foundries
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