| | July 20216CONTRIBUTORSBONN GROUP OF INDUSTRIESLudhiana: The Manchester of IndiaHow Data Analysis is Shaping the PropTech LandscapeNavigating the Transition from Recyclable to Bio-compostable PlasticVantage Point After WordPanoramaThought CentralVivid OutlookAamer Azeemi, Chief Innovation Officer at RMZ CorpMukul Sareen, Director of Business Development at HiTech Group143008How Will Recruitment And Performance Evaluation Practices Change After Artificial Intelligence Takes The Front Seat In CompaniesFuture Of Smart Lighting And Lighting ControlsAbhijit Dhada, IT Lead (India), Petronas Lubricants International Jubin Peter, Co-Founder & Chairman, Qthree Ventures Private Limited1923Featured Manufacturers:Eveline International23Avon Cottex18Kay Jay Group26Mehta Automotive28TOP 10IN LUDH I ANA - 2021MANUFACTURERS
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