| | MAY 20216CONTRIBUTORSLubricants Industry Adapting to the New NormalYeh 2D - 3D kyahai?(What's this noise about 2D-3D?)Vantage Point PanoramaLast WordThought CentralVivid OutlookBipinDama, Founder and CEO,Saras 3D, IncFoundation1408Outlook for 2021: Electric PowerAutomation May Take Our Jobs ­ but AI Will Create ThemWe Don't Need to Build Brands, We Need to Build ConsumersClimate Change & BuildingsBaseline IT Transformation in Digital eraProject Management ­ an Art or A Science?Where Does The Role of Pure Compressed Air Play in The Modern Manufacturing ProcessesSyed Sajjadh Ali, Managing Director - India, Electrical Sector, EatonDeepak Mishra, Founder & CEO, Prodevans TechnologiesDr. Amit Tiwari, Vice President ­ Marketing, HavellsAr. Gaurav Sood, GM - Design & Development, ATS InfrastructureShibin Chulliparambil, Head of IT, Mafatlal Industries LimitedDeepak Sharma, Global IT Director, Business Solutions & Support at AgilityK S Sudhakaran, Chairman & Managing Director, SANPAR Industries India20403123423528
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