SEPTEMBER 20239TOP STORIESGLOBAL SCIENCE COMPANY 3M INDIA ENABLES SOLAR-POWERED HEALTHCARE INFRASTRUCTURE FOR LAST-MILE ACCESS TO RURAL MEDICAL SERVICES3M India, a global science company, continues to drive sustainable solutions and community empowerment with the launch of its solar-powered healthcare infrastructure programe. In partnership with Selco India and Selco Foundation, 3M India has successfully installed rooftop solar panel units at 7 Primary Health Centers (PHCs) in seven villages in the Shirur Taluk region, including Ranjangaon, home to 3M India's flagship plant. This was Phase 1 of the project which was handed over to the Government in December 2022.At the request of the local health administration, 3M extended further investment in 2023 to expand the solar unit's installation to cover 39 sub centres within the Taluk to ensure reliable power for last mile access to essential healthcare services. These Sub-centers being the initial point of contact for local communities seeking medical assistance, have faced limitations due to lack of reliable electrical connection. The integration of sustainable solar power will empower the healthcare administration to expand the range of healthcare services offered at the sub-center level, effectively meeting the needs of 350,000 residents that were previously unmet. COAL INDIA IS DEVELOPING A POLICY TO PROVIDE FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO ASPIRING MOUNTAINEERSThe chairman of Coal India (CIL), PM Prasad, stated that a policy to support future mountaineers financially is being considered. Through video conferencing, Prasad spoke at the 'Everest Summit's opening session from Kolkata. To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Everest ascent, the event was held at Central Coalfields Limited's (CCL) convention complex in Ranchi.Mountaineering, according to Prasad, is not only a demanding endeavour but also an expensive one. "Whether from the government or from our CSR, there should be some money for the purpose. For upcoming mountaineers, we are working on it, Prasad added. Up to 14 climbers who had successfully scaled Mount Everest were honoured during the first session to recognise their accomplishments.The climbers motivated staff members and other stakeholders by sharing their Mount Everest summit experiences. Speaking at the event, Dr. B Veera Reddy, CMD director of CCL, noted that miners and climbers have a lot of characteristics. When they travel 600-700 metres deep, and occasionally almost a kilometre, miners confront many of the same difficulties that mountaineers do, such as high temperatures and humidity, he said.
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