| | AUGUST 20224Owing to its nature of being environment-friendly and biodegradable, jute causes no harm to the environment. The jute bags are today used a multitude of industries including food, agriculture, household, and other industries. In this issue, we have put the spotlight on this rapidly growing market. The cover story of this issue features Biocrete Bags by JP Laminators & Corrugators. For over three decades, JP Laminators & Corrugators has been leading the race in manufacturing and exporting Laminated Jute and Paper Packaging products from India. The company has developed and supplied Biocrete Bags to several global sub-sea projects for over a decade. Biocrete Bags are uniquely designed Biodegradable Cement Bagwork solutions, used by engineers for building temporary concrete structures in wet and watercourse conditions. Also featuring in the issue is Vamasa Bags which started with local and domestic supply and now it is exporting to several countries across Europe. It is also targeting countries like the USA. The customers in this segment expect strong quality control, traceability, competitive pricing, timeline management, and most importantly trust-building, and Vamasa Bags offers all of these at one destination. The issue also covers Yucon Exports which sells and imports 100 percent authentic jute bags and jute yarn to various nations across the globe, in addition to selling jute products in various Indian states In addition, the issue also acquaints you with the other top companies in this field. After studying the industry landscape in-depth, we have zeroed in on the top 10 companies that have excelled in this domain with their meticulous approach. Having proven their dedication to efficiency in order to meet the customer expectations in an end-to-end manner, these companies have stood out from the crowd. We look forward to receiving your feedback and suggestions. Sudhakar SinghManaging Editoreditor@theindustryoutlook.comEnvironment-friendly Approach Vol 2 · Issue 10 - 3 · SEPTEMBER, 2022Publisher Alok ChaturvediEditor Sudhakar SinghAssistant Editor Heena KousarEditorial Team Design ManagerPrabhu Dutta A.R.N Ray Senior Designer Rajesh R B Cover Concept & Visualizer Aruna Kumari K Varun B Advertising QueriesDivyajit Sambit SatpathyGM Sales & MarketingVirupakshi Pattarsales@theindustryoutlook.com Editorial Querieseditor@theindustryoutlook.comCirculation Manager Magendran PerumalMagazine price is Rs. 150 per issue.Printed and Published By Alok Chaturvedi on behalf of Biz Print Media Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Printed at Precision Fototype Services at Sri Sabari Shopping Complex, 24 Residency Road Bangalore-560025 and Published At No. 124, 2nd Floor, Surya Chambers, Old Airport Road, Murugeshpalya, Bangalore-560017.Publisher Alok ChaturvediCopyright © 2022 Biz Print Media Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and accordingly, no liability is assumed by the publisher.Janifha Evangeline Abhrasnata Das Rohan A T Hima P M Shirly Pabisha TP. Tejaswini
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