SEPTEMBER 20246Hikrobot Debuts New Forklift Mobile Robot for Indian MarketOla to List its Entire Product Catalog on ONDCKYOCERA AVX Unveils Capacitors for Advanced CommunicationsRBI to Unify Online & Offline Licensing for Payment AggregatorsTOP STORIESPANORAMAINDUSTRY INSIGHTSC ONTENTSC ONTENTS0809Exploring the Shift Towards Electric Vehicles in Transforming Automotive MarketSpiral Escalators - Pioneers of innovation in vertical transportationExamining Innovation, Sustainability & Customer Focus in Air Compressor Manufacturing12281020Vikram Pawah, President, BMW Group IndiaK. Suresh, Deputy Managing Director, Mitsubishi Elevator IndiaAnvar Jay Varadaraj, Chief Operating Officer, ELGi EquipmentsSoundhar Rajhan, Director - Operations (Machine Tool Division), Lakshmi Machine WorksWhy Japanese Manufacturers Prefer India for Business Development
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