| |November 202119TOP 10 INSURANCE SURVEYORS & LOSS ADJUSTMENT CONSULTANTS - 2021COMPANYDESCRIPTIONMANAGEMENTAlex Stewart India Chennai alexstewartindia.comCapt. Collin Lopes, Sr. General Manager Kushal Roy, DirectorProvider of independent Inspection, Survey, Supervision, Superintendents & Analytical Services Cogs Group Gurugram cogsglobal.comShubham Srivastav, DirectorA topnotch consultation provider for Insurance Survey & Loss Assessment, Valuation Services, Chartered Engineer Services, Competent Person Services, Engineering Services and Asset ComponentisationJ. B. Boda Group Mumbai jbboda.netRohit Boda, CEOOffering services in Services Reinsurance Broking (Non-Life & Life), Insurance Broking (Non-Life & Life), Protection & Indemnity Insurance, Inspection & Survey, Certification, Survey & Loss Assessment and moreJ. Basheer & Associates Insurance Surveyors & Loss Assessors Mumbai jbplsurveyors.comShahid Basheer, Director & Marine SurveyorFacilitating consulting for Fire & Engineering Claims, Risk valuation, Loss Management and MinimizationJCG Surveyors Mumbai jcgsurveyors.comJ.C. Gupta, MDOffering topnotch services in Property Claims, Catastrophe Response, Marine Cargo Claims, Desktop & Self Survey Limit Claims and Asset Valuation & Risk InspectionLucille Insurance Surveyors & Loss Assessors Vadodara lucillesurveyors.comRahul Berry, DirectorAn independent loss adjusting, project monitoring and risk surveying services provider for Insurance Claims, Valuation, Legal Arbitrations, Production Consultants, Underwriting and SafetyProclaim Insurance Surveyors and Loss Assessors Gurugram proclaim.co.inGovinder Kapoor, Chairman"A team of qualified loss adjusters, engineers, lawyers, accountants, surveyors, management specialists and economists providing excellent insurance surveyor and loss adjustment consulting servicesPROTECH Insurance Surveyors & Loss Assessors Mohali protechsurveyors.com Pukhraj Singh, PartnerRecognized for offering world-class consulting in Property Loss Assessment , Transit Losses, Engineering, Miscellaneous Claims, Liability Claims, Risk Evaluation, Arbitration & Mediation and moreT-Three Insurance Surveyor and Loss Assessor Mumbai t3surveyors.comShripad Dharmadhikari, CEOA company of experienced & quality Engineers, Chartered Accountants, Valuers & Risk Engineers providing Survey, Loss Assessment, Risk Inspection and Valuation Xcel Insurance Surveyors and Loss Assessors India Chennai xcelsurveyors.inMohamed Haris, CEOProviding services for Fire & General Accident, Marine Cargo, Power & Energy, Engineering, Marine Hull, Liability & Casualty Claims and moreTop 10 Insurance Surveyors & Loss Adjustment Consultants - 2021
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