| | NOVEMBER 20228INDUSTRY INSIGHTSINNOVATIONS IN THE WIRES & CABLES INDUSTRY TO MEET THE CHANGING CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTSBy Anil Gupta, Founder & Chairman, KEI Industries Rising urbanization and growing infrastructure worldwide are creating a surge in demand for wires and cables. How do you see the wire and cable industry developing currently? In an emerging economy like India, where there is huge scope for growth in the construction and infrastructure sector and increasing demand for real estate and other infrastructures such as hotels, hospitals, and residential hous-es, the demand for the wire and cable industry is also increasing to a great ex-tent. While we know that other projects such as railways, metros, power trans-mission & distribution, and power gen-eration have been there for quite some decades, the demand for wire and ca-bles is robust, especially in India, and it will continue to grow significantly year after year. In an interaction with Industry Outlook, Anil shares his views on how the wires and cables industry is evolving currently and how is the industry innovating to meet the changing requirements of diverse industrial clients.
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