| |MARCH 20205Throughout the journey of a product from the manufacturing unit to the seller, packaging has emerged as one of the primary concerns. With the increasing volume of products being transported across regions, the importance of bulk industrial packaging has surged manyfold. Then there are other factors like better product innovations and overhaul of value chains and business models that are contributing to this evolution. By integrating the packaging materials with new technologies, one can enable real-time monitoring and keep track of the shipments. The e-commerce revolution has given a major push to the packaging requirements, exhorting the players in this segment to come up with better and innovative ways of packaging. As a result, we are seeing that the suppliers of packaging materials have started furnishing improvements to key raw materials, in numerous ways like better puncture and abrasion resistance, stronger support down-gauging, and enhanced chemical resistance. The packaging industry is witnessing more and more digital efforts being made to reduce the cost and gain a competitive edge with consumers. One of the several examples is that greater customer value can be generated by integrating technology in packaging. With the advent of digital printing, packagers now have a longer leash in terms of personalization and customization compared to the scope of mechanical processes. Hence, most of the packaging companies have already switched from analog to digital. However, it takes time to restructure a factory in its entirety. In 2020, there are only a few companies that are reluctant to get on board the digital train and there are a multitude of players looking to tap into this market potential. To bring this special issue to fruition, we have studied this industry segment in-depth and have come up with the list of 10 Most Promising Industrial Packaging Companies in India who have excelled in this field with their innovative approach. Having proven their dedication to quality and end-to-end addressal of customer requirements, these companies stand out from the crowd. We look forward to receiving your feedback.Sudhakar SinghEditorsudhakar.singh@theindustryoutlook.comThe Onus of Preserving the Quality and Durability Vol 1 · Issue 7-1 · March, 2020Publisher Alok ChaturvediManaging EditorNandini MukherjeeEditor Sudhakar Singh Editorial Team Janifha Evangeline Samrat Pradhan Hridkamal Roy Teja Boncheruvu Art & Graphics Ashok Kumar S Sivasankar GM Sales & MarketingVirupakshi Pattarsales@theindustryoutlook.com Editorial Querieseditor@theindustryoutlook.comCirculation Manager Magendran PerumalCover price is Rs. 150 per issue.Printed and Published By Alok Chaturvedi on behalf of Siliconmedia Technologies Pvt Ltd and Printed at Precision Fototype Services at Sri Sabari Shopping Complex, 24 Residency Road Bangalore-560025 and Published At No. 124, 2nd Floor, Surya Chambers, Old Airport Road, Mu-rugeshpalya, Bangalore-560017.Editor Alok ChaturvediCopyright © 2020 SiliconMedia Technolo-gies Pvt Ltd, All rights reserved. Repro-duction in whole or part of any text, pho-tography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and accordingly, no liability is assumed by the publisher.
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