| | AUGUST 20226Use of Bio-Fertilizers for Crop Production & Soil FertilityThe Role of Pure CompressedAir in the Modern Manufacturing ProcessesImpact of COVID-19: A Challenge or an Opportunity for the Indian ManufacturersIndustrial Applications of Mobile RobotsNew Investments & Growth in the Manufacturing SectorHealthcare - Information Security AspectsThe Evolution of Textile ManufacturingElectronic Enclosures Market in India & Abroad A Brief OverviewSandeepa Kanitkar, MD & Chairperson, KanBiosysK. S. Sudhakaran, Chairman & Managing Director SanparRajesh Khosla, President & CEO, AGI GlaspacSangeet Kumar, Founder & CEO, AddverbSourabh Tiwari, CIO, Meril Group of CompaniesShibu M. S., Manager Marketing, Radiant DesignUttam Malani, Executive Director, Centuary MattressesRajendra Agarwal, Managing Director, Donear Industries0814232636383033Industry InsightsAfterword
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