| | OCTOBER 20226Addressing the Three Major Concerns of Indian Label IndustryPanorama16Lessons Learned from this Pandemic in the Healthcare Sector & the Roadmap Ahead for IndiaUse of Bio-Fertilizers for Crop Production & Soil FertilityAI in Agriculture: A Boon for Agribusiness?Yogesh Agarwal, Founder & CEO, Onsurity TechnologiesSandeepa Kanitkar, MD & Chairperson, KanBiosysAsmita Chitnis, Director, SIIB081421Time for a New Approach for Sustainability of the Indian Tea IndustryDr. Shatadru Chattopadhayay, Managing Director, Asia Solidaridad Network25Industry InsightsSelf-Disinfectants the New Sensation. What Does it Hold for Indian Startup Ecosystem?Paras Arora, Co-Founder & CEO, 3R Scientific Solutions28
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