OCTOBER 202319Inspire the World with Ink Dye Story:Industrial inks consist of a colorant, solvent (or vehicle), and various additives. They are generally used for printing on materials, such as rubber, cardboard, paper and metal. Industrial inks are also used for printing on plastic cards, films, porous and non-porous substrates. Industrial inks are used in many applications. Examples include marking in the automobile industry, as well as medical, electronics, and packaging industries. Industrial inks are also widely used in the aerospace industry, food, lumber, paper, and home building products industry.A wide range of raw materials are used in ink formulations including resins, polymers, plasticizers, dyes, conductive salts and premicronized pigments. These are supplied in powdered form, liquid form (i.e. predispersed in aqueous or organic solvent), and "chip" form.How Dyes Are Get Life:Ink is manufactured by proper incorporation of dry pigments into the vehicle by grinding. These two ingredients in suitable proportions are mixed with or without modifiers, driers, wetting agents, anti-oxidants, etc. Ink is manufactured in two stages: first varnish (a mixture of solvent, resins and additives) is made and then pigments are mixed into it. Varnish is a clear liquid that solidifies as a thin film. It binds the pigment to the printed surface, provides the printability of the ink and wets the pigment particles. The key ingredients to an ink are pigments, resins and waxes and additives. Ink can be a complex mixture, containing a variety of substances such as solvents, resins, alcohol, lubricants, carbon, pigments, dyes, aniline, dextrine, glycerine, fluorescents and other materials.Huge Market of Dyes:The global printing ink market was valued at $19.0 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach $28.6 billion by 2028, growing at 7.0 percent (CAGR) from 2023 to 2028. Over the world, the printing ink market is expanding significantly, and during the forecast period, a similar trend is anticipated.Industry Outlook in this issue presents a list of `Top 10 Industrial Ink Manufacturers ­ 2023' who have leveraged their extensive industry expertise and experience in offering high quality products in the industry. The following list has been prepared after being closely scrutinized by a distinguished panel of judges including CXOs, analysts, and our editorial board. We recognize their valuable contribution to the ever expanding and competitive market and their ability to sustain themselves and emerge as top contestants through their reliable products.INDUSTRIAL INK MANUFACTURERS - 2023TOP 10
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