NOVEMBER, 202419ROLE OF GREEN HYDROGEN IN THE SHIFT TOWARDS RENEWABLE ENERGYIn the next decade, hydrogen will become mainstream renewable energyGreen Methanol production in VindhyachalAnother ambitious pilot project that we are taking up is in the Vindhyachal, where 10 tonnes of green methanol would be produced every day and the advanced stage of commissioning has already begun. We have also commissioned the carbon capture project and the hydrogen plant is also under construction. The methanol plant after hydrogen and CO2 is now under construction. Once that is coming, we will try our best to see if we can do it by the 31st of December.It is quite heartening that it is not only the public sector that has started taking the pilot projects but also the private sector in addition to the PSUs are taking up the pilot projects. These pilot projects will also be helpful in understanding the standards and standardizing the products, what kind of input materials will be required, skill sets will be required. These pilot projects will be the basis for the development of the complete ecosystem in the long run. Hence, pilot projects are going to be really important going forward. In addition to these, we are also discussing with the shipping initiatives if methanol can be utilized by them. I think green methanol is another product that can be easily transported.Another forward-looking project that we are working on is with the Indian Army, where we will be having our solar plant and the hydrogen and then again converting hydrogen through electrolysis to power so that it will help us in eliminating kerosene and the other fossil fuels as well. Therefore, these pilot projects will go a long way.
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