| |April, 20227Navigating The Transition From Recyclable To Bio-Compostable PlasticTechnology Driven Refinement Of Business ContinuityLogistics Sector in India ­ Navigating through the CrisisIncreasing Importance of Refractory Materials in ManufacturingCan Satellite Imagery Mitigate the Impediment of Food Security?Healthcare - Information Security AspectsMukul Sareen, Director - Business Development, HiTech GroupVinod Raju, Head - IT & Enterprise Solutions, Expo FreightThomas Knudsen,Managing Director, Toll GlobalSanjay Borkar, Co-Founder & CEO, FarmERPSourabh Tiwari, CIO, Meril Group of Companies142427162130THOUGHT CENTRALVIVID OUTLOOKAFTER WORD PANORAMACONTENTSCONTRIBUTORSC O V E R F E AT U R EEXTENDED RANGE OF ADVANCED INDUSTRIAL COOLING SOLUTIONS
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