| | JULY 20228INDUSTRY INSIGHTSI am a fiscally conscious & goal driven management ex-ecutive. In a fast-track career of 29 years, I have mea-surable impact on business operations, market pen-etration & key account development in Automotive & CV Industry.According to Statista, the world oil consumption peaked in 2019 at 100 million barrels per day. While the demand saw a sharp drop in the year 2020, this change may not be sustainable. Moreover, according to the IEA, the global energy-related CO2 emissions in 2019 were around 33.2 gigatons (Gt). As the world gets back to normalcy, resource consumption will begin increasing again, of course, unless sustainable practices are brought into the picture.One of the industries that is known for energy consumption and emission production is 'Manufacturing'. The traditional manufacturing practices consume a tremendous amount of resources while producing a lot of waste, which can be harmful to the environment in the long run. The waste generated during the traditional manufacturing processes could play a role in the degradation of the environment.However, the manufacturing sector plays an important role into the mass production of essentials and goods, creating employment, and contributing significantly in every country's GDP. Hence, the only way forward would be that industries adopt 'Sustainable Manufacturing' processes.SUSTAINABLE MANUFACTURINGSustainable manufacturing can be defined as a manufacturing method that uses renewable or non-fossil fuel energy, minimizes waste, promotes safe production, and limits the environmental impact. Integrating product and process design issues with factors of manufacturing, planning, and control in TAKING A STEP TOWARDS A SUSTAINABLE & HEALTHIER SOCIETY ECOSYSTEMKrishan Kohli, Managing DirectorBy Krishan Kohli, Managing Director, Continental Automotive Brake Systems India
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