| | OCTOBER 20228INDUSTRY INSIGHTSCAN SATELLITE IMAGERY MITIGATE THE IMPEDIMENT OF FOOD SECURITY?By Sanjay Borkar, Co-Founder & CEO, FarmERPAgriTech organizations are changing the face of agriculture every day with the use of modern technologies like IoT, blockchain, machine learning, GIS, artificial intelligence, GPS tagging, drones, satellite imagery, and many more. Agricultural satellite imagery is paving the way for new and efficient industry growth. It offers the opportunity to implement a data-driven approach and bring more precision to agricultural activities. Satellite images help make agricultural practices increasingly predictable and seamless.Agriculture satellite imagery predicts weather conditions and provides accurate produce estimates, in turn fortifying farm planning practices. The integration of technology implementations like IoT devices and deciding adequate agrochemical requirements can also aid in precision agriculture practices. Satellites and remote sensors have been created that monitor farms consistently and empower the farmers and agribusinesses to screen the data and receive real-time updates about the accurate time for harvest. MAKING AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES INCREASINGLY SUSTAINABLEWater management and employing sustainable agricultural practices have become imperative with the dark cloud of global warming looming over us. The prudent use of water can prove to be economic and additionally prevent under or over-irrigation. Water conservation and its proper utilization can influence crop quality and productivity positively. Agricultural remote sensing satellites assist farmers and agribusinesses to monitor large crop areas seamlessly. It provides estimates of water requirements and demands across the field, which enables farmers and businesses to understand the required amount of water in an optimum sense. This enables simplifying irrigation management and makes farm management efficient.Sanjay Borkar,Co-Founder & CEO
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