7SEPTEMBER 2024AFTERWORDC ONTENTSC ONTENTSSpiral Escalators - Pioneers of Innovation in Vertical TransportationExploring the Shift Towards Electric Vehicles in Transforming Automotive Market3633Shaktikanta Das, Governor, Reserve Bank of IndiaAanchal Jain, CEO, PMI ElectroK. Suresh, Deputy Managing Director, Mitsubishi Elevator IndiaVikram Pawah, President, BMW Group IndiaThe Creative Evolution of Interior SolutionsAlok Agarwal, Chief Marketing Officer, Orient BellAERIAL GEOMATICSINFOMAPSQUANTASIP GIS38242832TOP 10GIS SERVICEPROVIDERS - 2024COVERSTORY16RaviKumar Veeramani, Founder & MDCUSTOMIZING ADVANCED GIS SOLUTIONS FOR DISTINCT INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTS
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