| | OCTOBER 20226Foundry Segment Demands Suspension of Iron Ore, Pig Iron ExportsPanorama16Sustainability in DairyFarmingClimate Change & BuildingsCurrent Industry Trends & Market Scenario, Changes in Policy, Usage of Technology in Various AspectsDr. Pravin Kini, Founder & Managing Director, Tropical Animal Genetics (TAG)Ar. Gaurav Sood, GM- Design & Development, ATS InfrastructureRashid Hashim, Vice President & Head of Manufacturing,L&T Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems081421Practical Pathways to Clean & Green EnergyPravin Karve,President, Thermax/Thermax Babcock & WilcoxEnergy Solutions24Industry InsightsPost Harvest Distribution Channel: An Unresolved & Ailing IssueTejas Vyas, Director of Products, Bigbasket28
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