| | DECEMBER 20218B ack in 2017 AWS admitted that about 37% of cloud spending goes to waste. Following this, in 2020 Gartner estimated that the pub-lic cloud market would grow to $257.9 billion that year. Looking at these num-bers makes it clear that organizations are collectively wasting around 90.8 billion in public cloud spending. While the cloud providers are not complaining about this, organization budgets most certainly are. Most orga-nizations are looking at bringing down exploding cloud bills and reducing costs tangibly. HOW ORGANIZATIONS CAN CONTROL THEIR CLOUD COSTSMuch like how we don't want our per-sonal expenses to blow up and remain within what we can control, keeping the cloud spend under control is also essential to get faster ROI on cloud in-vestments. Here are a few ways to en-sure that IDENTIFY UNUSED RESOURCES The ease to spin up resources in the clouds is a boon but can quickly become a bane simply it is very easy to forget that these resources exist. Develop-ment teams, for example, are usually focused on accelerating the speed of development. To aid this they can spin up an instance to test an application. If this instance keeps running even when not in use then these unused instances will hit the wallet at some point or the other.Thus, identifying unused resourc-es and removing these resources from the cloud help in keeping the cloud bills down. Sandboxing the environment to ensure that compute instances are cleaned up or shut down when they are no longer in use also is an important step.INADEQUATE RESOURCE UTILIZATION Inadequate resource utilization is an-other reason why cloud costs escalate and build the RoI chasm. To avoid this, organizations need to use compute re-sources adequately to avoid idle costs. In container environments, for exam-ple, developers can employ Kuberne-tes to manage and allocate compute resources to resources like nodes, or pods. While it is fairly common to spec-ify the resource limit in terms of the amount of CPU usage and memory that an application will need within an eco-system, idle costs can emerge where applications do not use up all the re-served resources or if resources are over-allocated. Empty environments, clusters, etc. all contribute to these un-allocated costs and impede RoI.Getting transparency on applica-tion performance, computer, network, memory, and storage consumption can help organizations optimize resource allocation. With this clarity, organi-zations can reduce unallocated or idle costs and improve RoI. MOUNTAINS OF WORTHLESS DATA Thanks to the cloud, organizations can now store and analyze volumes of data CONTROLLED CLOUD COSTS = FASTER ROIBy Anurag Sinha, Co-Founder & Managing Director, Wissen TechnologyVANTAGE POINTAnurag Sinha
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