MARCH 20252IL&FS Engineering and Construction Company Limited is one of the leading Infrastructure Development, Construction and Project Management Companies in India with more than three decades of rich and varied experience in execution of landmark projects across the length and breadth of the Country.With established credentials in executing complex and challenging projects in all kinds of environment, IL&FS Engineering Services has repeatedly delivered projects of the highest quality.Availability of adequate resources has enabled IL&FS Engineering Services establish an enviable record in the infrastructure sphere. IL&FS Engineering Services has been awarded IMS Certificates ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018 and is committed to the highest standards of quality, safety, health, and environment.IECCL is also active in other sectors like Building, Roads, Railways (including metros), Oil & Gas, Power and Irrigation.OUR SERVICESOUR CORE COMPETENCIES· Engineering· Project Management and Consulting· Construction· Public-Private Partnership· Transforming employees into leaders at every level· System-driven and technology savvy· Ability to deliver the best of quality, on time, through a process driven approach· Multi-domain expertiseENGINEERING SERVICESIL&FS Engineering and Construction Company Limited Door No.8-2-120/113, B Block 1st Floor, Sanali Info Park Road No. 2, Banjara Hills Hyderabad, 500033Board No: +91 40-40409333Fax : +91 40-40409444
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