FEBRUARY 20237Global Headwinds Continue to Weigh on Corporate India's Earnings in the Current FiscalChallenges in Developing Interconnect Technologies for EVs & How to Address ThemInnovations in the Wires & Cables Industry to Meet the Changing Customer RequirementsWhy Elevator Modernization is Necessary?Making the Fertilizer Industry R&D DrivenVoice Bots & Chatbots: The Key to Business Communication in 2023Shamsher Dewan,Senior Vice President & Group Head, ICRAAmit Ingale,Managing Director,Interplex ElectronicsAnil Gupta,Founder & Chairman,KEI IndustriesSuresh Kalathur,Deputy Managing Director, Mitsubishi ElevatorRejane Souza,SVP for Global Innovation,Yara InternationalDivij Singhal,Managing Director & CEO,ICCSRajesh Jain CEO Powermax Tyre 10162231343820AfterwordCompany SpotlightIndustry Insights
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