| |DECEMBER 20229lifespan of the battery may not have been reached. The other option is to reconvert the lead sulphate crystals into active material, giving the battery a second lease of life by restoring its capacity to the original level. In western countries, the battery revival technology has been adopted by more than 500 companies in the airline, off-highway or industrial vehicle, telecom business and retail markets, and its benefits are now available to the marine sector as well.GOVERNMENT INCENTIVESGovernment Incentives for Energy Storage are also driving the growth of battery storage technology. Experts believe that an energy management system, and a service contract candeliver value to a business by providing reliable power more economically. The business model was initially developed by constant power, and it is being replicated elsewhere to generate steady returns for investors upon completion of an ESS project.DEPLOYMENT OF RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIESBattery revival technology can support the intermittent renewable energy sources. The implementation of battery revival technology in wind farms and solar farms reduces the problem of intermittency of the energy source. Also, it can be said that this technology can store energy when the demand is low but production is high. As with all storage technologies, every charge or discharge cycle results in some loss of energy due to system inefficiencies. For typical grid connected applications, this means that from a global perspective, there may be increased air emissions associated with the generation of this lost energy. Battery revival technology serves to increase the utilization of renewable sources. In addition, battery energy storage saves resources due to more efficient use of power plants and delays investments in additional transmission infrastructure. CHALLENGES IN BATTERY STORAGE TECHNOLOGYIt has seen many times that high string voltage affects the shock and blast potential which increases the risk of injuries. Large number of battery cells per string in grid scale energy storage results in higher voltage levels and creates this risk. Due to high voltage, there is heating in the battery which can result in fire. The main cause of this fire is thermal runaway which is a chemical process where the self-heating in a battery exceeds the rate of cooling. Therefore, it causes high internal temperatures, melting and venting.LACK OF TECHNICAL STANDARDSIt is often the case for early stage markets where storage suffers due a lack of technical standards, as well as varying processes and policies. This indicates that projects like these and its technical components present a unique endeavour with its own set of challenges. Emerging Technologies such as battery energy storage not only challenges regulatory policies but also creates issues regarding market structures. There are still doubts when it comes to the structure and capabilities of most batteries. SHORTAGE IN SUPPLYBatteries are the preferred solution for powering emerging technologies such as electric cars. Due rising prices of materials like cobalt which are in high demand, there will be its shortage which ultimately will result in higher battery storage prices. As well as access to critical materials may be hampered. Due to the ongoing trade war between India and China, after the ban of Chinese apps and products in India, some major production pipeline issues could arise as China is by far the largest producer of cobalt.THE WAY FORWARDBattery storage systems are emerging as one of the key solutions to effectively integrate high shares of solar and wind renewables in power systems around the globe. Batteries can also help to provide reliable and cheaper electricity in the coming future. Government Incentives for Energy Storage are also driving the growth of battery storage technology. Experts believe that an energy management system, and a service contract candeliver value to a business by providing reliable power more economically
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