| | FEBRUARY 20226Impact of COVID-19: A Challenge or an Opportunity for the Indian ManufacturersThe Role Of Pure Compressed Air In Modern Manufacturing ProcessesNavigating the Transition from Recyclable to Bio-compostable Plastic25New Investments & Growth in the Manufacturing industryRajesh Khosla, President & CEO, AGIUttam Malani, Executive Director, Centuary MattressesK S Sudhakaran, Chairman & Managing Director, SANPAR Industries IndiaMukul Sareen, Director of Business Development at HiTech Group281421VIVID OUTLOOKTHOUGHT CENTRAL30Baseline IT Transformation in Digital EraShibin Chulliparambil, Head - IT, Mafatlal IndustriesAFTER WORD08Electronic Enclosures Market in India & Abroad A Brief OverviewShibu M S, Manager Marketing, Radiant DesignVANTAGE POINT
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