| |August 20215India is witnessing rapid infrastructural growth with increasing urbanization and industrialization, which has led to the rising demand for electric motors. Driven by government initiatives like Smart City Mission and Make in India, the demand is originating from all directionsand multiplying. Given the importance of this market, we have covered it extensively. The cover story of this special issue features Bharat Bijlee which has a complete portfolio of LV motors from 0.12 kW to 1250 kW, which enables it to meet the diverse needs of every industry sector. The company has steadily invested in augmenting its manufacturing capacity, and in building the processes and capabilities to deliver a reliable product on time to its customers. Its supply chain is designed to be agile and to consistently improve point-of-sale availability and on-time delivery. The company backs it up with an all India sales, distribution and service network.Also featuring in this issue is Laxmi Hydraulics, one of the leading Make in India motor manufacturers. The company was incepted in 1981 and today it provides a complete range of AC motors up to 1000 kW in safe area applications and up to 500KW in hazardous area applications.The company recently introduced Smoke Extraction motors for the HVAC sector (0.37 KW to 200 KW). This issue also covers Lunar Motors which was founded in 1979. The company has developed its own micro motors manufacturing process which has enabled it to deliver superior and reliable offerings at a lower price range.In addition to these, there are a few more players who are disrupting this segment. After studying this marketlandscape in-depth, we have zeroed in onthe Top 10 Electric Motor Manufacturers in Indiathathave excelledin this domain with their innovative approach. Having proven their dedication to efficiency in order to meet the customer expectations in an end-to-end manner, these companies have stood out from the crowd.We look forward to receiving your feedback and suggestions. Sudhakar SinghEditorsudhakar.singh@theindustryoutlook.comPowering the Engine of Industrialization Vol 2 · Issue 8-4 · August, 2021Publisher Alok ChaturvediEditor Sudhakar Singh Editorial Team Art & Graphics Ashok Kumar Suanya ChakrabortyGM Sales & MarketingVirupakshi PattarSarita Vermasales@theindustryoutlook.com Editorial Querieseditor@theindustryoutlook.comCirculation Manager Magendran PerumalCover price is Rs. 150 per issue.Printed and Published By Alok Chaturvedi on behalf of Siliconmedia Technologies Pvt Ltd and Printed at Precision Fototype Services at Sri Sabari Shopping Complex, 24 Residency Road Bangalore-560025 and Published At No. 124, 2nd Floor, Surya Chambers, Old Airport Road, Murugeshpalya, Bangalore-560017.Publisher Alok ChaturvediCopyright © 2021 SiliconMedia Technolo-gies Pvt Ltd, All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher as-sumes no responsibility for unsolicited manu-scripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and accord-ingly, no liability is assumed by the publisher. | | December 20194 Janifha Evangeline Samrat Pradhan Hridkamal Roy Aveek Pal Chaudhuri Suchita Gonsalves Komal Banchhor Abantika Bhattacharjee Rakesh P
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