| |MARCH 202119MANUFACTURERSTOP 10RECOGNIZED BY2021DYES ANDPIGMENTScost competitiveness. The company is extremely well-positioned in this segment and is one of the only Indian pigment manufacturers to be back-ward integrated with its own Pigment Intermediates (raw materials). The dependency on suppliers and imports is minimal compared to its peers in this segment. Over the last 2 years the competition has observed disrupted supplies and large price fluctuations in the pigment raw ma-terials market, the backward inte-gration into its own raw material has helped to protect MICAS from this disruption. "With our own raw material, we have been able to demonstrate our sustainability in supply chain and pricing commitments to our custom-ers" Pranav Shah - Director at Micas Organics Limited. WIDE PRODUCT BASKET CATERING TO MANY INDUSTRIES MICAS within the Pigment segment offers Organic, Lead-Free, Phthalo-cyanine, Basic Dyes, Inorganic, Anti Corrosive, and High-performance Pig-ments. The company has more than 150 products in its product basket with certain products designed spe-cifically based on customer applica-tion requirements. MICAS is one of the few companies in India that has such a wide prod-uct basket and caters to many final application categories. The strength has always been the capability to sup-ply products with consistent quali-ty. Since the company manufactures some of its own pigment raw mate-rials, this ensures end-to-end prod-uct traceability in case of any quality issue if it may arise. MICAS has a good mix of expe-rienced team members who have worked in the pigment industry for many years along with young and dy-namic leaders who are motivated and have contributed to the overall growth of the company. The company's man-agement exercises complete freedom to its employees for trying out new methods and techniques but keeping in mind the safety and sustainability of employees, the organization, and the community. To grow we will have to make mistakes but we should also learn from them, at MI-CAS it has always been more about learning and doing things differently but efficiently. MICAS was established in 1988 with manufacturing only one category of pigment. With time the company kept acquiring additional facilities for ex-pansion and diversified into the other Pigment & Pigment Intermediate cate-gories which it currently manufactures. The company has a distributor presence across South Asia and the Middle East and is looking forward to expanding into Europe and America for which the company has already laid out its strat-egies. Entry barriers in these markets are good product quality, supply chain sustainability, and product regulatory compliance to ensure success. Consequently, the plan for the fu-ture at MICAS is well-defined and is aiming to become India's second-larg-est pigment producer with further investments into pigment intermedi-ates thereby becoming a sustainable and cost-competitive supplier for its customers. Investments into capacities is an ongoing process, the company is working on increasing efficiencies by adopting the latest technologies, pro-cess automation and improving the standards of its treatment plants. "In the last couple of years we have in-vested into Solar Plants & Rain Wa-ter Harvesting Systems across sites which make us more environmental-ly accountable and thereby ensuring long-term organization sustainability," concludes Pranav Shah. WITH OUR OWN RAW MATERIAL WE HAVE BEEN ABLE TO DEMONSTRATE OUR SUSTAINABILITY IN SUPPLY CHAIN AND PRICING COMMITMENTS TO OUR CUSTOMERS
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