| | NOVEMBER 20218Automotive Industry al-ways goes through a constant transforma-tion cycle adopting new tech-nologies and comes-out with new product variants trans-forming the industry. We all know how Electric Vehicles are pushing the IC Engines out of Market. Software De-fined Vehicle (SDV) is the new Technology trend which is ap-plicable for both IC Engines and EV. In a Software-defined vehicle, features and functions are primarily enabled through software, making the car into a Software Driven Electronic device on wheels.What is a Software Defined Vehicle? How it is different from standard ECU driven ar-chitecture? What is the need of SDV? To answer these, let's look at traditional Automotive Architecture. In a Tradition-al Architecture, car will have different modules like Engine, Power Train, Transmission Control, Break Control, Central AN INSIGHT INTO SOFTWARE DEFINED VEHICLEBy Supriyo Das, Vice President, Wipro TechnologiesVANTAGE POINTSupriyo Das
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