| |DECEMBER 20209ATTAINING FINANCIAL STABILITY WITH THE HELP OF SMART FARM ANALYTICS CAPABILITIESWith the increasing demand for safe and quality produce, many food pro-ducers and farmers are modernizing their existing operations for better productivity. SaaS-based agriculture can employ farmers with farm ana-lytical capabilities to help them yield high-quality crops at minimal costs. The adoption of smart agriculture ana-lytics can help agribusinesses to track costs, production yields, and profits against benchmarked values. This can guarantee remarkable cost savings and efficient farm management, en-abling agribusinesses to manage the industry and cost threats better.PRECISION FARMING STRATEGIESClimatic conditions have a major influ-ence on the quality and productivity of crop yields. Without exact climate expectation, harvests can be serious-ly harmed by devastating downpours, floods, or intense temperatures and winds. This can result in monumental losses for the farmers with a deterio-rated farm management system. Monitoring weather conditions is one of the most important applica-tions of hardware devices in agricul-ture. Smart farming sensors can give ranchers basic information related to humidity, temperature, dampness precipitation, and dew identification. This can additionally help the farm-ers in calculating climate patterns to make the correct yield development decisions. Today, to turn out to be more efficient, farmers need to gather and assess plenty of data from different devices. Precision farming, in particu-lar, is emerging as an effective solution for farmers to manage their farms to not only sustain food needs but also to meet scarcity challenges.FARM GIS AND DATA MANAGEMENT FOR IMPROVED DECISION-MAKINGFarm GIS allows efficient planning and analysis of a lot of geospatial informa-tion including field limits, soil data, yield information, imagery, applica-tion maps, and remotely sensed data. Satellites combined with farm GIS are utilized as an administration tool to characterize a field and accordingly permit more concentrated cultivation practices. In the view of significant ad-vancements, farmers and industry op-erators are showing a duality in their approach. In addition to using technol-ogy to analyse and monitor the use of fertilizers and pesticides, remote sens-ing for agriculture is emerging as a ma-jor tool to ensure healthier vegetation.VARIABLE RATE TECHNOLOGY - AN INVALUABLE FARMER'S TOOLAnother traditional agricultural prac-tice that can be ended now is the blan-ket use of fertilizers and pesticides. The variable rate technology works in tandem in modern crop analysis to apply different rates of agrochemicals and water at each location across the field. VR fertilizer strategy and VR seeding might be a newer concept in precision farming. In contrast to the traditional broad application of nutri-ents and seeds in the same ratios ev-erywhere, VR technology today gives farmers precise control and measure-ments for exactly what they put in ev-ery zone of their fields.A barrage of technologies in the 1960s ­ the Green Revolution ­ raised agriculture output significantly in de-veloping countries. Since then, a con-fluence of a rise in the world's popula-tion and advances in automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been fuelling a new wave of innovation.It is clear that advanced agricultur-al technologies could help farmers and different individuals from the farming production network, in horticultural planning as well as in better risk as-sessments. Sensors additionally play a vital function by recognizing zones that need water or synthetic com-pounds, while tracking yield qualities during harvest. Agriculture is a conventional indus-try, yet the journey for tech-empow-ered management and sustainability proceeds onward in an upward swing. Eminently, government endeavours have reacted to food challenges and expanded the production to an amaz-ing level. With the advent of advanced farm management technologies and smart farming methods, governments will have an opportunity to make yet another contribution to the success of the agriculture community. Facilitating a farming technology platform would bridge the gap between farmers and other stakeholders in the industrySantosh Shinde
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