19JUNE 2024Biju Balendran, a seasoned professional, boasts a rich history of steering manufacturing plant operations for eminent OEMs like Hyundai, Renault, and Nissan. His leadership drives enhancements across production lines, harnessing smart manufacturing methodologies. Armed with a BE in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the National Institute of Technology Karnataka, his expertise optimizes efficacy and operational excellence in complex industrial settings. In a recent interaction with Thiruamuthan (Correspondent, Industry Outlook), Biju discussed India's automotive manufacturing sector, focusing on industry-specific sustainable initiatives. He highlighted key sustainability practices, technological innovations, and financial strategies aimed at promoting sustainability. INDUSTRY INSIGHTSSUSTAINABLE PRACTICES IN AUTOMOTIVE MANUFACTURINGHow has the global automotive manufacturing industry undertaken substantial environmental improvements over the past decade?With the rapid progression of technology and shifting global dynamics, the manufacturing sector is undergoing profound transformations. In 2024, the manufacturing industry will prioritize several key areas, such as:Protecting the Environment & Resources: The industry will place heightened importance on safeguarding the environment and resources. This entails a focus on the entire product life cycle, embracing circular economy principles, and minimizing waste throughout the complete manufacturing process.Improving Efficiency of Operation: Manufacturers will strive to improve operational efficiency through the implementation of lean manufacturing principles and the integration of smart factories. Digital twining tools, real-time data analysis for bottleneck identification, and the deployment of advanced sensors, cameras, robotics, AR/VR, and other emerging innovations will be leveraged to eliminate human errors.Quality-Centric Approach: A paramount emphasis will be placed on quality, ensuring the production of first-time-right products and delivering ultimate customer delight. Quality focus will extend beyond the manufacturing process to encompass complete process chains, commencing from raw material selection and processing, logistics, packaging, and digitized inspection and analysis, culminating in the final quality experience at the customer receiving point.The purchasing decision will no longer solely revolve around price sensitivity; rather, it will also encompass considerations of quality and the utilization of environmentally friendly materials. This shift signifies a transformative era where customers demand not only cost-effectiveness but also uphold a commitment to quality and environmental sustainability.What innovative, sustainable materials and state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques are being embraced by industry leaders on a global scale?'Sustainability' is the buzzword in the industry. We center our product development approach on sustainability, with Biju BalendranDeputy MDBy Biju Balendran, Deputy MD, Morris Garages India
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