APRIL 20238Brookfield to Invest $1 Billion in AvaadaDamodar Valley Corporation Offers 421 Megawatt Solar Project to Avaada EnergyJakson Green will Develop Methanol Synthesis Facility at NTPC's Vindhyachal Power PlantGovernment Sets Criteria for Allocation of Power from Central Pool to States & UTsNews1011BURKERT FLUID CONTROL SYSTEMSMERCURY PNEUMATICSNIRMAL INDUSTRIAL CONTROLSVALVE TECH INDUSTRIES (VTI)34413842TOP 10CONTROL VALVESMANUFACTURERS - 2023Ashok KumarDirector-Technical & OperationsNarayan GuptaVice President - ProductionPradhip GDy. Manager ­Design Engineering (Control Valves)BELL-O-SEALVALVESSealing Customer's Trust with High Quality Bellow Seal ValvesCOVER STORY - 16COVER STORY 22TORQ VALVESDriving the Valves Market with its Extensive Range of High Quality ProductsAbdulraziq PathanPresident
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