| |November 20219MBBR technology employs thousands of polyethylene biofilm carriers operating in mixed motion within an aerated wastewater treatment basin. Each bio carrier increases productivity by supporting the growth of heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria. Sewage water is another source for bacterial growth to achieve high-density bacteria in the MBBR plant. As the industry waste is high in TDS but low in COD/BOD and the Domestic Effluent have low TDS and high COD/BOD, the mixing of these both actually helps to treat it. These high-density bacteria achieve high-rate of biodegradation while offering process reliability and ease of operation. This MBBR Process Technology is an excellent solution for COD/BOD reduction, Nitrification and Total Nitrogen removal.BOIFILM CARRIER3. PRESSURE SAND FILTER AND ACF SYSTEM:-For reducing the turbidity & TSS from MBBR treated water with the help of MGF (Pressure sand filter) and ACF (Activated Carbon Filter) and then the water is being sent to tertiary treatment plant. 4. TERTIARY TREATMENT SSYSTEM (UF & RO) - 95 PERCENT RECOVERYHigh pressure membrane filtration technology (RO) is the best solution to get desired water quality from the secondary treated effluent water. We can have prefilter i.e. UF and Micron filter and then Reverse Osmosis (RO) is the good system for tertiary treatment. 100 percent rejected water will be treated in second stage RO in which Sea water membrane will be there which will help to filter high TDS effluent water. The second stage RO rejected water will be sent to MEE plant (Multi Effect Evaporator) thus water will have more than 25000 ppm TDS and can be maintain zero liquid discharge in well condition. Sr.No. Parameters Unit Raw Effluent Quality ETP Treated Water Quality Value Value 1 pH --- 6.5 ­ 9.0 7.0 ­ 8.0 2 TSS ppm 1000 < 100 3 COD ppm 1000 to 1300 <480 4 BOD 3 days @27°C ppm 400 to 500 <240 5 Oil & Grease ppm 25 Nil MBBR technology employs thousands of polyethylene biofilm carriers operating in mixed motion within an aerated wastewater treatment basin
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