| | October 20218Innovation in manufacturing within indian bounda-ries is long pending. The country has moved leaps and bounds when it comes to IT. During the pan-demic we saw major and young brands across indus-tries jump leaps and bounds in how they restarted their proaduction, distribution and marketing process. There was a major overhaul in the way companies are functioning now, right from consulting firms to those requiring manu-facturing setup. In the past five years and more we have seen an increasing focus by the government and also brands, now, on the Make in India scheme but also with the launch of the AtmaNirbhar campaign, while it became evident as to how Indian leadership realises the value in self-reliance in all aspects, execution and results are due. The electronics industry in India is worth USD 118 bn as per estimates carried out in 2019-20 (Invest India). The television industry in India is also particularly important especially post pandemic wherein people ended up spending most of their time indoors and moved back to consuming content on larger screens. India's share in global electronics manufacturing has only grown from 1.3% in 2012 to 3.6% in 2019, despite the evident intent of the leaders to grow the same. The electronics industry plays a major role in our fiscal deficit ratio since the industry is the 2nd biggest importer of core raw materials required in the process of mfg TVs, Laptops & mobile phones (panels & semiconductors), after petroleum. The Indian electronics industry imports INR PIVOTING AMIDST A GLOBAL CRISIS FOR THE ELECTRONICS INDUSTRYBy Avneet Singh Marwah,CEO, SPPLVANTAGE POINTA country as a manufacturing hub holds a lot of value and is a step in the right direction while on the journey to establishing itself as an emerging powerThe coronavirus has made industries and brands pivot beyond what they could imagine doing in the next 5 years. The closing down of borders also taught us the need and the steps to be future ready, self-reliance and building an ecosystem that will help us survive today and for any other crisis to come.
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