JUNE 20239TOP STORIESTATA POWER RENEWABLE ENERGY ARM TO BUILD UP 966 MW PROJECT FOR TATA STEELCOAL MINISTRY ISSUES ORDERS FOR 22 COAL MINES TO SUCCESSFUL BIDDERSTata electricity Renewable Energy Ltd obtained a letter of award (LOA) to set up 966 MW RTC (round-the-clock) hybrid renewable electricity for Tata Steel through its subsidiary TP Vardhaman Surya Limited. The business stated in a regulatory filing that this was one of the largest industrial RTC power PPAs under Group Captive in the nation.The project can generate 587 MW of wind power and 379 MW of hybrid renewable energy. Tata Power Ltd. shares increased more than one percent to Rs 220.60 on the BSE. We are happy to collaborate with Tata Power Renewable Energy Limited to secure a sizable amount of our energy needs from renewable sources. According to T. V. Narendran, CEO & MD of Tata Steel, this agreement is in line with our sustainability vision and will help us reduce the carbon emissions linked to our operations."We believe that renewable energy is the future, and this partnership enables us to take one of the steps towards achieving our target of net zero by 2045", he continued. Tata Power and Tata Steel are dedicated to working together to develop green energy solutions, according to Dr Praveer Sinha, CEO & MD of Tata Power. A key step has been taken in our joint efforts to hasten the adoption of clean and green energy in order to reach the net zero aim with the 966 MW RTC (Round-the-clock) hybrid renewable power project. The successful bidders of coal blocks under a commercial coal mine auction here today have received vesting orders for 22 coal mines from the Nominated Authority, Ministry of Coal.The Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Act, 2015 governs 11 of the 22 coal mines, while the Mines & Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 governs the remaining mines. Six coal mines are only half explored, compared to 16 fully explored mines.22 coal mines have a combined peak rated capacity (PRC) of 53 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) and have geological reserves of about 6,379.78 million tonnes (MT). These mines are projected to bring in an annual revenue of Rs. 9,831 crores and Rs. 7,929 crores in capital expenditure. Approximately 71,467 people will be employed directly and indirectly as a result of it.As of now, the Ministry of Coal has issued vesting orders for 73 coal mines that have been subject to commercial bids and have a combined PRC of 149.304 MTPA. The State Governments will receive an annual revenue of Rs. 23,097.64 crores as a result of this, and 2,01,847 individuals will have the opportunity to find both direct and indirect work as a result.
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