| | DECEMBER 20216The Evolution Of Textile ManufacturingLatest Construction Technology Trends12Technology-based Innovative Dairy Solutions to help improving Dairy Procurement Supply Chain systemShridhar Mehta, Director, Prompt Dairy TechRajendra Agarwal, Managing Director,Donear IndustriesDeepak Suvarna,Chief Projects Officer, Mahindra Lifespace Developers2032THOUGHT CENTRAL08Blueprint to Revive the Agriculture Sector to Accelerate the GrowthRandhir Chauhan, MD, Netafim India and Senior Vice President, NetafimEmerging trends in Logistic25FIBC Manufacturing: A Mixture of Art & ScienceArvind Nopany, Managing Director, Rishi FIBC Solutions.Arup Choudhury, CIO, Eveready Industries India29VIVID OUTLOOKVANTAGE POINT34How Software Integration Can Simplify IT & Reduce Per-Employee SpendingVijay Sundaram, Chief Strategy Officer, ZohoAFTER WORDCONTRIBUTORS
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