| | SEPTEMBER 20218E ven as the economies and businesses are seeking accelerated tech adoption to stay relevant and tide over the COVID crisis, innovations in emerging technology, and its applications, continue to disrupt various aspects of personal and professional lives. The multi-faceted applications AI, IoT, AR and VR etc., are already disrupting the way we work and live. However, they have also been steadily disrupting the way we entertain. The lockdown has driven a massive growth in the personal gaming sector, as it allowed people an immersive experience, while staying at home.The Gaming industry has been following a fixed cycle of development for a long period, where they witness upgrades at certain intervals. It resulted in the development of different gaming factions, such as console gamers, having to wait endlessly for faster, developed versions of games. The major upgrades in the gaming industry rely on how often console and PC hardware companies release better components. But with the arrival of 5G, this cycle is about to break. The potential of 5G in the gaming industry is huge and it could yield great opportunities for gamers. Every network generation in the past has shown great improvements in speeds and latency. 5G is predicted to bring speeds up to 10 Gbps and that sums up about 100 times the current speed offered by any 4G connection available in the market, thus offering enhanced possibilities for consumers to enjoy high download and upload speeds over the networks. For personal gaming, this means an uninterrupted gaming experience!! It is predicted that the 5G networks would feature just a fraction of network latency as the current 4G providers by just limiting it to a value of 1ms giving unimaginable advantages to the people of different industries, mainly the gaming industry. This is causing the gamers to have the advantage of a real-time input-output experience in multiplayer games. HERE ARE THE MAIN ADVANTAGES OF 5G IN THE GAMING INDUSTRY:ยท Elimination of LagLag is one of those things that are hated by the gamers the most and the main cause of lag is just the network over which the players are connected. The presence of lag even makes a game to be hated by a user. It is to a level where professional gamers even report unusual ping 5G SET TO DRIVE THE TRANSFORMATION OF PERSONAL GAMING VANTAGE POINTBy Sachin Nigam, CTO & Co-Founder, Goavega SoftwareSachin Nigam
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