| | OCTOBER 202160816Skills Required to be a Last Mile Ambassador in Delivery & Packaging IndustryIndustry 4.0 & Supply Chain TransformationGayathri Vasudevan,Co-Founder & Executive Chairperson, LabourNetJasjit Sethi, CEO, TCI Supply Chain Solutions23The Ubiquitous Penetration of MedTech in Daily lifeRohit Madhok, Vice President ­ Engineering, GlobalLogic34Baseline IT Transformation in Digital EraShibin Chulliparambil, Head - IT,Mafatlal Industries32Sustainable Development ­ The Way for FutureLessons Learned from this Pandemic in the Healthcare Sector & the Roadmap Ahead for India27Indian Pharmaceutical Industry & Its Global ImpactR B Smarta, Managing Director, Interlink Marketing ConsultingYogesh Agarwal, Founder & CEO, Onsurity TechnologiesShabbhir Kanchwala, Senior VP, K Raheja Corp30THOUGHT CENTRALVANTAGE POINTAFTER WORDVIVID OUTLOOK CONTRIBUTORS
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