| | September 20218The days to imagine farmers as diminutive, ru-ral people living in poverty are probably no longer universally valid. Agriculture, as per the Economic Survey 2020-2021, constitutes 19.9 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP), up from the 17.8 per cent in 2019-20. This makes agriculture the only bright spot in the Indian economy that is reeling under the effect of COVID-19 pandemic. This brings good news, not only for the more than 150 million farmers of India but to industries that are dependent on good harvest for their survival. It points at an opportune moment to fan the am-bition of owning a business and realise the entrepreneurial dreams. One may ask how? Here are a few numbers that will explain the findings of the latest Economic Survey: In-dia has all 15 major climates of the world and is home to as many as 20 agro-climatic regions. It is home to nearly 46 out of 60 soil types and the sunshine hours are suited for cultivation of crops round the year. India is the second largest producer of rice and wheat and tops in pulses. It is also one of the largest producers of sugarcane, cotton, pea-nuts, jute, tea, and spices. Agriculture will help to learn the ropesIt is always good to start from the basics ­ having a sound understanding of various aspects of agriculture ­ right from soil science and agricultural chemistry to seed technology ­ there is a wide variety of options to choose from. One can opt for shorter-term certificate courses to increase their knowledge gradually or opt for an undergraduate-level diploma or degree in agriculture or agricultural engineering. For more advanced understanding of the sector, a post graduate diploma or an MSc or MTech in agriculture will help. Those who wish to foster their research and innovation streak should obtain a doctorate in agriculture. All these stages will, however, require the basics to be rooted in science at +two level of school where students may have opted for either physics, chemistry, and biology (PCB) or physics, chemistry, and mathematics (PCM) as their main subjects or physics, chemistry, mathematics, and biology (PCMB) as the combination of subjects studied. Having said that, it does not mean students from humanities or commerce background are not suitable to become agrientrepreneurs. While commerce STUDY AGRICULTURE TO MEET YOUR ENTREPRENEURIAL AMBITIONSBy Rajesh Aggarwal,Managing Director, Insecticides (India) THOUGHT LEADERSHIP Rajesh Aggarwal,Managing Director
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