SEPTEMBER, 202419Adhesives and sealants manufacturers are one of the very important industries to many industrial sectors, providing the enabling products that allow innovation in improving the performance of products and furthering sustainability. Adhesives are substances used to bond two surfaces together, while sealants prevent the passage of fluids or other substances. These manufacturers find applications in a wide array of industries such as construction, automotive, aerospace, electronic components, packaging, and health-related products. Among the most valuable contributions of adhesives and sealants are product design and functionality. Instead of mechanical fasteners, like screws or bolts, adhesives can make the design lighter, more flexible, and more appealing. This is particularly helpful in industries such as aerospace and automotive industries, where every reduction in weight goes a long way in fuel economy and performance. Sealants serve to protect products for durability by protecting them against environmental agents like moisture, dust, and chemicals.Secondly, there is support from the makers themselves in research and development of sustainable products. Thus, they develop adhesives and sealants that have low VOCs, which are considered safer for both the environment and human health. By innovating, they are also giving support to the call of reducing carbon footprints and adapting to eco-friendly manufacturing practices. Besides, the development of adhesive and sealant technologies enhances economic viability by reducing material losses, the time of assembly, and energy consumption. In structural applications, such as construction, for example, high-performance adhesives and sealants reduce maintenance costs and extend the service life of such structures.Industry Outlook in this issue presents a list of `Top 10 Adhesives & Sealants Manufacturers ­ 2024' who have leveraged their extensive industry expertise and experience in offering high quality products in the industry. The following list has been prepared after being closely scrutinized by a distinguished panel of judges including CXOs, analysts, and our editorial board. We recognize their valuable contribution to the ever expanding and competitive market and their ability to sustain themselves and emerge as top contestants through their reliable products.TOP 10ADHESIVES & SEALANTS MANUFACTURERS - 2024
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